We produce regular publications, bulletins and newsletters that examine legal developments, industry issues and their impact on the markets in which our clients operate. They present the very latest information and our views, and we are quite happy to send you copies of these publications. In addition, our lawyers are regular contributors to scholarly and practitioner journals and reviews. These articles are readily available, but please contact us if there something you would like to have and cannot readily access.
Mediation and Arbitration
Mediation is a process of dispute resolution that involves a trained third party who works with both sides of the dispute in an informal discussion, to help resolve the dispute. The mediation process is also non-binding; neither party is required to accept the mediator's proposed agreement. The parties to a mediation may or may not have an attorney present; attorneys are advisers and not participants in the mediation process. Mediation is used in many business disputes, including labour negotiations, business contracts, and employment disputes.
Probate and Administration
Administering the estate of a loved one is a great responsibility. At MCKOY LAW, we assist clients to the degree they wish with the administration of an estate. We advise upon the general procedure necessary in the administration of the estate and obtaining the grant of probate.
We can deal with the administration of estates of all sizes and we are always available to answer queries or give updates on progress to clients as necessary.
Banking and Finance
Today's challenges
Financing transactions is a big challenge. Over the last few years, we have seen an extremely difficult debt finance market. Structures have increased in complexity and timetables have contracted, as the providers of funding have attempted to gain an edge over the competition. Auction processes have become standard on private company acquisitions and public bids have more often than not become competitive.
However, the changing facilities on credit are challenging for those attempting to make and finance acquisitions.
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